Common Summer Plumbing Problems to Be on the Lookout For

Most homeowners believe that the winter months with the challenges of frozen pipes, is the time of year when most plumbing problems occur.  However, though summer is a fun-filled time of year for everyone, it can also present with summer plumbing issues.  From entertaining more guests in your home and the kids being out of school to a variety of summer outdoor activities, the additional wear and tear on your home can easily result in plumbing problems.

With that said, the team here at Signature Plumbing Company wants to offer our clients some insight on the most common summer plumbing problems to be on the lookout for.

Common Summer Plumbing Problems to Be on the Lookout For

Common Summer Plumbing Problems


  • Clogged Drains – Summer is the most popular time of year for barbecues, grilling and serving lots of fresh fruit and corn on the cob. It is important to ensure that you are disposing of all those leftovers properly and are aware of which foods can and cannot be put down your drain.  Beware of what you put down your drain.  Avoid grease and fresh fruit pits.


  • Slowed Shower Drains – Summer trips to the beach usually mean sand, pebbles and dirt typically get caught up in your bathing suits and eventually find their way into your home shower, causing blocked drains. Be sure to rinse off at the beach, in a public shower or outdoors at home to avoid standing ankle deep in dirty shower water.


  • Sewer Line Backups – Summer rain storms can be very relaxing, but can also have a downside. Heavy rainwater can make its way into cracks or other openings in your sewer line, causing it to backup into your home and onto your property and even result in flooding.  Installing a backwater valve or a sump pump can help manage these problems.


  • Clogged Toilets – During the summer the kids are out of school and you entertain more guests with sleepovers, which means a whole lot more toilet flushes. Be sure everyone knows exactly what should and should not be flushed down the toilet.  Though most clogged toilet problems can be resolved with a simple plunger, there is always that one serious issue when you need to call a professional.

The Team You Can Trust

If you find yourself faced with any of these annoying plumbing issues this summer, reach out to the pros here at Signature Plumbing, we’ll be more than happy to fix it.  We don’t want plumbing issues to spoil your summer adventures.  Be sure to contact us  with all your plumbing needs!

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