5 Reasons to Get Plumbing Services and Use Water Responsibly

In her book Lagom: The Swedish Art of Living a Balanced, Happy Life, Niki Brantmark talks a lot about what we can learn from the Swedish in terms of improving our lives and being happier overall. One of the things that Swedes do is that they are very conscious of energy and water consumption, the idea being that we should all use our resources carefully so that everyone has enough. Here are few points Brantmark brings up regarding water consumption and using water responsibly:

5 Reasons to Get Plumbing Services and Use Water Responsibly

  1. Drinking Water: Did you know that although 70% of the earth’s surface is covered with water, only 1% is fit for human consumption? Apparently the UN predicts that by 2025, 2/3rds of the world’s population is going to experience a scarcity of water! More reason for all of us use water responsibly.
  2. Leaky Taps/Toilets: Did you know that a leaky tap can waste up to 26 liters of water a day? A running toilet can waste 200 liters of water! Don’t waste water. Call your plumber today and get your taps and toilets fixed.
  3. Baths vs. Showers: Brantmark is greatly in favor of five-minute showers which apparently only use 10-25 gallons of water as opposed to baths which use about 70 gallons. Have a warm, relaxing bath once in a while if you must but stick to short showers otherwise. You can also call your plumber and ask them to install a reduced-flow showerhead which will decrease your water consumption even more.
  4. Doing the Dishes: Did you know that doing the dishes by hand actually uses more water than using the dishwasher? If you don’t have one, consider getting one installed.
  5. Brushing/Shaving: We use water for many things such as brushing and shaving. And we don’t think about it much. We just leave the water running while we finish the task. If you don’t need water in that moment, turn the tap off and conserve water.

Contact us to know how else you can use water responsibly today.

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